The Today Show
The Today Show -- My first appearance on The Today Show was August of 2001, and I made a return appearance on November 5, 2002. It's always a memorable experience, and of all the television I've done, there's nothing quite like this show for excitement, due to the pressures of live television and the constant changes invariably being made right down to the last moment. No matter how much preparation you do, you can be sure it will be an adventure when the stage manager counts down and the camera rolls. You can also see video elsewhere on this site.
The Entire Crew
On The Today Show, August 2001. I did a think-a-card effect here - on live, national television. Even with a call time of five in the morning, who needs coffee with this kind of pressure? L to R: Al Roker, Ann Curry, Matt Lauer, and Katie Couric.
Al Roker
Making Al Roker appear -- a big surprise, and this garnered a huge reaction from the live audience in Rockefeller Center!
Matt steps in for a closer look. I opened the segment with Matt, then my Monday Night Magic cohorts, Michael Chaut and Peter Samelson, followed, each with a different host. After a commercial break, we came back for the final segment featuring Harley Newman, narrated by me and hosted by Katie Couric.
Closing Moments
The closing moments of our Monday Night Magic spot on The Today Show. Left to right: Ann Curry, Matt Lauer, Katie Couric, Jamy, Harley Newman (who escaped from a straightjacket while suspended by a burning rope from a 100-foot crane over Rockefeller Plaza), and magician and Monday Night Magic co-producer Peter Samelson.
2002 Spot
The 2002 spot, doing a card trick for Ann Curry
Al and Ann
With Al and Ann, after Ann has -- much to her amazement -- managed to transmit the name of her card to the entire crowd. Here she asks Al if he knows how it was done.
Todd Robbins
This entire spot was performed by Todd Robbins (my Monday Night Magic partner) and myself. Partners Michael Chaut, Frank Brents, and Peter Samelson assisted. Here Ann models the latest technology for Todd and I, the Monday Night Magic Parapsychotic Telapathetic Thought Sender!
Another Group Shot
Another group shot, with Todd Robbins and Frank Brents in view.