The Honest Liar
News, updates, thoughts and essays about magic, cooking, pizza, baseball, cinema and more, along with an occasional book review. Also a periodic feature revisiting entries from my Take Two series in tandem with past book reviews.
In Search of Street Magic
My lengthy essay, “In Search of Street Magic,” originally appeared in the journal, Antimony, in 2007. Due to its timeliness and the controversies it was wading into, I convinced the publisher to post it online. The piece engendered much public discussion and debate amid various online forums at the time, with many readers overlooking a key point: that despite my criticism of much of the then new “street magic” marketing push, I also clearly defended elements of the trend as a mere update and relabeling of the same kind of magic marketing that my own generation, and generations before me, had grown up with. The essay eventually vanished along with the Antinomy website, so here it is again, my 2007 snapshot of the state, and meaning, of “Street Magic.”