On October 8, 2001, my dear friends Todd Robbins and Krista Brown were married at the Sullivan Street Playhouse, the old home of Monday Night Magic. This was unlike any wedding I - or anyone else in the crowd for that matter - had ever attended, being in fact a fabulous variety show of friends that Todd hosted. (I performed close-up magic and also served as Best Man.) The highlight of the program for many was the performance by sideshow legend Melvin Burkhart, creator of the Human Blockead act, which is a staple of Todd's own repertoire. Melvyn also was the first to perform the turnover move with giant dice - an idea he came up with circa 1930! - a feature routine of his magic performances. As it turned out, the wedding was Melvin's last performance. About a week after returning home to Florida, he attended a meeting of his local magic club where he proudly showed photos of his performance at the wedding, where he was treated as royalty by the likes of Todd, myself, guest Penn Jillette and many others. He passed away the next day, a great showman and a wonderful man. His original costume, pictured here, along with the gigantic nails he used for the Blockhead, were bequeathed to his protégé and adoring friend and fan, Todd Robbins.